What is new with Next.js 11?

Next.js is the product of 1600 community developers, industry partners like Facebook, and the core Next.js team working together. Its guiding principle has always been to make DX (Developer Experience) as excellent as UX (User Experience). And this is evident in all of the new capabilities that Next.js has added over the previous several years, making it the first hybrid framework to scale. 

Including capabilities for creating both static and dynamic websites with lightning speed. NEXT.JS is the hybrid framework that meets you where you are and evolves with you, whether you are starting with a single static page or delivering a dynamic site with billions of pages.

Next.js Live (Preview Release)

This is essentially Figma for programmers. This tool allows you to develop in real-time in the browser with your team. This is perhaps the most significant feature since it greatly simplifies team cooperation. 

This works like this: You must be a member of the team that deployed the application on the Vercel platform. If you are already a member of the team, all you have to do now is update your URL from app to. Live and you are good to go! This feature does not currently enable collaborative editing within the editor, therefore it will only update changes in the UI, not in the editor.

Conformance for Next.js

Conformance is a technique developed by Google internally based on their years of web development expertise to codify best practices in a way that is automated and enforced. 

Google’s web platform team has started making their technology open-source for several frameworks. To put it another way, it’s a linter that can perform more than simply code analysis. To get started, just type npx next lint after updating to Next.js 11.

Next.js Image Enhancements

Images are an important part of any website’s performance and one of the most often utilized elements on the internet. Next.js provides a built-in Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization since version 10.0.0. 

The image component in Next.js 11 has been enhanced to support:

  • Image size detection is done automatically for local images.
  • For both static and dynamic pictures, image blur-up placeholders are available.

Next.js Script Component

Next.js 11 introduces the next/script component, which allows you to prioritize the loading of third-party scripts. In practice, all you have to do is set the strategy property on the Next script element, and Next.js will load it as efficiently as possible based on the strategic value.

Automatic Font Optimization

The CSS of fonts is automatically inlined at build time in Next.js, which eliminates the round trip of collecting font declarations and improves the FCP and LCP by up to five seconds, according to Next.js. 

By default, Next.js employs a pre-connect tag, which makes connecting to the underlying font files even quicker. It works with Google fonts as well as Adobe’s kit.

Create React App Migration

Because of the challenges encountered while moving a React application to Next.js, this functionality is presently experimental. To convert your React application to Next.js, simply run the command below. npx @next/codemod cra-to-next.

This will convert your React project to a Next.js app while keeping the compatibility of your React app in mind.

Webpack 5

To make web pack 5 work for your Next.js project, you don’t need any additional settings using Next.js 11. Webpack 5 is now enabled by default, eliminating the need to manually add configuration to your next.config.js file.


Next.js 11 has substantially quicker beginnings and modifications, real-time feedback, live collaboration in real-time, and considerable picture optimization improvements. 

Here is where you can find out more about the Next.js 11 changes. You can also use this procedure to upgrade your Next.js app from version 10 to version 11.

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